Something unthinkable happened to me on Monday: I got excited about a studio project. No, really. I was legitimately excited to design, develop, and create an idea for Seattle's waterfront. Likewise, my group members were equally jazzed about the project. You should have seen us: we had the trace paper outside, our pencils and pens scratched away, and I'm pretty sure there was some squealing.
Surprisingly, we were still excited about the project today. Then we had a crit, which is when professors come to your desk, look at your design, and tell you how to make it better. Our crit was. . . less than satisfying. Our professor brought up good ideas that we're going to look into more, but we never really got to talk about our ideas for the site. *sigh* I guess we'll just keep going as we're going, then try again on Friday.
In the meantime, the semester is picking up again. I've realized most of my projects are due in less than a month. Ick. I have a lot of work to do. But there is always a silver lining. Today's silver lining is multifaceted-- I really, genuinely love all my classes and really enjoy the work we're doing; I'm starting to get back into a "normal" pattern of activity here in Muncie (after being abroad last year); I'm beginning to look into graduate schools and other opportunities for next year; and I'm almost certainly graduating in May.
Something else that's been good: Students for Peace in Israel and Palestine has been picking up. We now have a mission statement AND our first event planned. Our mission statement is:
"Students for Peace in Israel and Palestine is dedicated to promoting peace, human rights, and equality in Israel and Palestine for all people, regardless of ideology, ethnicity, or religion. The Purpose of SPIP is to be an educational resource on Ball State's campus, encouraging understanding and promoting peace through public events and philanthropic endeavors."
Not bad, huh? Our first event is this Friday, 12 November, at 6:00 in AJ 175. We're screening Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People. It's a really interesting movie about the ways Arabs are portrayed in the film industry. You should come!
Tonight is a panel discussion about Islamophobia at 6:30 in SC Ballroom. Be there, or be square. (BTW, I've never fully understood that expression. And it kind of sounds threatening for some reason. Huh.)
the whole "be there or be square" is from i think the 40s and 50s. a square was a boring person who just conforms to the rest. but i also have learned that its hip to be a square (i got that from sesame street)