24 October 2010

Rock Climbing/ My Parents are Awesome

I just had a great weekend.  My parents came to Ball State last Wednesday for an awards dinner, and they decided to stay until Saturday evening.  While I regrettably had some homework, which kept me from spending as much time with them as I would have liked, we did have time together nearly every evening.  We had a stellar time.  Saturday was particularly exciting because I got to spend nearly the whole day with them.  We went out for breakfast, walked around Minnetrista, and bought some goods from the farmer's market.  Then we went to a sports bar and watched football. (Michigan State won!  Yay!)  After my dad's college team won (just barely), we went rock climbing on campus.

So, in case you're skimming and not really thinking about what you just read, read again:  my totally awesome dad in his mid-fifties went ROCK CLIMBING with me on Ball State's campus.  My mom was equally awesome and documented the whole thing.  : )

There he goes!

I'm so proud he's my dad.  I mean, really: how many dads would spend their weekend climbing walls with their daughter?

There I go!  It had been a while since I'd been in the gym (silly homework), so it felt SO GOOD to be back on the wall.

The two of us together.  We should have gotten a family shot with my mom, too.

This is his second time up.  With just two times he was already improving.

See?  Look at him go!

My second time up.

I mentioned in a post before school started how excited I was about the rock wall, and it has lived up to ALL of my expectations.  I can't even begin to tell you how much I love climbing at Ball State.  The staff is friendly and REALLY helpful, new routes are constantly being mapped, and it's free to climb!  All you need is a Ball State ID.


  1. dont you still have to pay for equipment rental?

  2. Ha! Your dad rocks - and I just punned. Seriously, we need to set a climbing date in stone so I can hit the wall with you!! (dang it, punned again)

  3. Technically, no. It's free to climb and all of the necessary equipment are free to use. If you want, you can pay $3 for climbing shoes and/or $1 for a chalk bag, but they are by no means necessary to climb. Plenty of people go up in tennis shoes, no problem. And the chalk is just a luxury. : )

  4. Jessi, it's actually just $2 for the shoes. Have you looked into the Outdoor Pursuits office much? You would LOVE everything in there :) Yay dads! The wall was closed when my dad was around, but he bouldered with us in Yosemite in summer '09! He loved it.
