28 November 2010

Hunger Banquet

Last week was Oxfam's Hunger Banquet, co-sponsored by the Social Justice League.  When attending a hunger banquet, you are assigned a class when you first enter-- lower, middle, or upper.  Lower class individuals sit on the floor and are served small pieces of bread with water (sometimes colored brown to represent unclean water).  Middle class individuals sit in chairs and are served bread and butter with clean water.  Upper class individuals sit at a table and are served a real meal, in this case peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches, lemonade, and a cookie.  Each group represents the same statistical group of real-world lower, middle, and upper class people.  So really, it's a very interesting idea.  Here are some photographs from our hunger banquet:

Opening Remarks.

Here you can see the lower class and the upper class.  Something I learned: if you make more than $12,000 a year, you're considered to be among the top 15% wealthiest people on earth.  Now there's some perspective.

Middle class, where I was.  Not many of us here.

Interesting information on what Oxfam does around the world.

Learning about world hunger and economic non-equality.

Preparing our middle class meal.

Talking while we eat.

Nom, nom.

It gives "middle class" a whole new meaning, doesn't it?

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