27 December 2011


2011 is nearly over, and I'm reminded of a post I made back in June.  In it, I acknowledged that I had a rough start to the year while challenging myself to have a better second half.

As it stands, I was somewhat successful: I've made many positive changes since June.  For one, I have a job.  Being unemployed weighed very heavily on my mind all my last year of college and the first few months after.  So that's a big deal.  With my job came other unexpected perks-- I've always wanted to live somewhere warmer and near the water, which of course I now do.  (Note because I can't say it enough: when I left Biloxi it was in the 70s whereas it's currently snowing in Indiana.  Yeah.)  I'm getting good experiences both professionally and socially (and sometimes intellectually), so that's also good.  My biggest joy for the year was adopting Biloxi.  And she continues to bring me joy.  So yeah, definitely an improvement from where I was last June.

At the same time, I'd hoped I would do better in some areas.  For one, I'm still working on recovering from my illness last spring.  There was a part of me that thought I'd be better by now, but that was an ambitious goal.  I'm working on being ok with that.  I'm just tired of all this and the uncertainty it brings.  I'm ready to be healthy again.  I'm also disappointed in my current living situation.  I miss my apartment and living alone, even though I save tons of money and have a more active social life.  I generally think I can get along with anybody, but some of my roommates have been challenging that thought.  I've thought about moving back out, but if I'm patient my roommates will change in a month anyway as the old interns move on to new adventures.  So basically, I have to hold out just one more month.  I *can* do this.

What it comes down to is life is too long.  Point is, life is too long to spend it tolerating rudeness or cruelty or deceitfulness.  You end up spending years and years with people being rude, cruel, and deceitful towards you.  How can you enjoy life like that?

2011 still has one big show in store:  Ringfest!  Yep, it's actually happening this year.  This week, even.  Even though I have wonderful new friends in Mississippi, no one can top my childhood friends. I love them so much.  Seeing them all again might be enough to erase nearly every negative memory from 2011.

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